Empire Casting House Joins Fairmined, Championing Ethical Sourcing in the Heart of Jewelry Design

May 20, 2024 | Blog

Empire Casting House, a leading innovator in 3D jewelry modeling and casting services, today announced a significant step forward in its commitment to ethical practices. The company has officially joined the Fairmined standard, a move that underscores its dedication to responsible sourcing and empowering artisanal and small-scale miners (ASMs) around the world.

John Kocak CEO at Empire Casting House
John Kocak CEO at Empire Casting House

“At Empire Casting House, we believe that the future of jewelry design is not just about creating beautiful pieces, but about creating them with a conscience,” said John Kocak, CEO at Empire Casting House. “Joining the Fairmined movement allows us to ensure that the materials we use are sourced responsibly, benefiting both the environment and the communities that bring these precious materials to life.”

The Fairmined standard is a globally recognized assurance system that sets a high bar for responsible sourcing of gold and other precious metals from ASMs. It goes beyond simply tracking materials; it guarantees fair working conditions, promotes responsible environmental practices, and ensures that mining communities benefit from social development programs. By partnering with Fairmined, Empire Casting House gains access to a network of certified ASM organizations, allowing them to offer their clients a way to create stunning jewelry pieces that are ethically sourced and socially responsible.


This move by Empire Casting House signifies several key benefits for the jewelry industry

  • Ethical Sourcing: Jewelry designers and businesses can now confidently choose Empire Casting House, knowing their creations are crafted with responsibly sourced materials.
  • Transparency: Fairmined provides a transparent supply chain, ensuring traceability of materials from mine to finished product. This allows consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Empowering Communities: Empire Casting House’s commitment to Fairmined supports sustainable livelihoods for ASMs and fosters social development within their communities.
  • Innovation in Design: Ethical sourcing practices can inspire a new wave of creative and responsible jewelry design, ensuring both beauty and social impact.

Beyond its commitment to 3D design innovation, Empire Casting House is now setting a new standard for ethical practices within the jewelry industry. The company’s dedication to Fairmined sourcing allows them to partner with designers and businesses who share their vision for a more responsible and sustainable future of jewelry.

Fairmined Peru

About Empire Casting House

Empire Casting House is a leading provider of 3D jewelry modeling and casting services, utilizing cutting-edge technology to empower jewelry designers and businesses across North America. They are committed to using their expertise and influence to promote ethical practices throughout the jewelry design process.

About Fairmined

Fairmined is a globally recognized assurance system that promotes responsible sourcing of gold and other precious metals from artisanal and small-scale mining organizations. It ensures fair working conditions, environmental protection, and community development benefits for mining communities.

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